How to Translate Knitting Patterns

We’re pleased to offer a sample of Cocoknits patterns in Japanese, and one in Danish. When you purchase any of these patterns on our website, you will receive digital downloads for both the English and the available translation. Simply complete your purchase then download the pattern in the available languages.

Let us know if you are interested in helping us increase our pattern translations!




If you would like to attempt to translate knitting patterns for your own use, try these helpful online resources:

String-Or-Nothing: International Glossary

Knitting Fool: Translation of Knitting Terms

"Excuse Me" Group on Ravelry

Vogue: International Knitting Terms



Hi Christine, We’re sorry we don’t have Lindsay translated into French, but in case it helps, here is the line of instructions you asked about, spelled out and with a translation: work in established slip stitch pattern to second marker; travailler selon un motif de points coulés établi jusqu’au deuxième marqueur.

We’re also hoping that you can get help at a local yarn shop, where they probably have experience working with English patterns. Hope that helps and thank you for your interest in Lindsay!

Si la traduction du modèle LINDSAY existe en français, je suis preneuse ,
Bonnes fêtes de Noël !


Je tricote le manteau LINDSAY, je ne comprends pas page 3, “work in est sl st pattern to second marker” …le terme est ?
Merci de me piloter,

Bonnie Nurnberger

Hi there,
I sometime do knitting and crochet pattern translation to Chinese. I design pattern and also teach knitting and crochet online and in person as well. If you still look for translation, please let me know.


Hi Šárka,
Thank you! Please send us your information and relevant experience at We love to make the Cocoknits Method accessible to more knitters!

Šárka Dvořáčková

Hi there! I would like to offer you translation of your patterns in Czech. I’m an experienced knitter and a beginning designer as well. There is a big knitting community in Czech Republic and a lot of Czech knitters still don’t understand English.


Hi Vivian,
It means that you purl the stitch. Front means the stitches for the left front, and at this point you only have one. The markers separate the i-cord, front, sleeve, back, sleeve, front, and i-cord stitches. Hope that helps! If you have more questions, please email us at


I’m knitting the Little Lamb. I don’t know what p1 Front st, means? Please help!😬

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