How to Long Tail Cast On (traditional)

There are many ways to cast on and because you will usually be picking up along or seaming this edge at the top of the back neck, any of them is really fine. My go-to is the long-tail method, so I’ve included it here.

If you are casting on a lot of stitches, check out this tutorial!




I don’t start with a slipknot as is common; rather, I hold the yarn with my left hand wrapped around finger and thumb and loop it over my right needle. I then secure the loop of yarn to the right needle with my right finger and start the cast-on.


Step 1

With right needle, come under thumb loop of left hand.


Step 2

Then come over finger loop and draw a loop of yarn from the finger loop through thumb loop.


Step 3

Release, tighten up that stitch, and reposition fingers/hands for next cast-on stitch.



Hi Sophie, Julie has a video with this tutorial: “How to Long Tail Cast On without Estimating Tail Length”. Starting at 1:00 you can watch her doing the long tail cast on. Hope that helps!


I really can’t tell how you go from picture one to picture two. A video would be great!!


Found it!

Laurie Medill

It would be most helpful to have a video of this method, especially of the way you hold your yarn at the very beginning. It’s hard to see just what is done through the photos alone. I would love to try this!

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