How to Bias Bind-off Smoothly

This simple trick will greatly improve the finished look of your knitted projects. Use bias bind-off whenever you have bind-offs over multiple rows e.g., necklines and shoulder shaping.

Look at the stair-step effect of a regular bind-off in the first photo, compared to the bias bind-off in the second photo.



Step 1

Your first row of binding off is normal. From then on, slip the last unworked st p-wise in the row before your next bind-off.


Step 2

Turn your work and begin to bind off as follows: slip the first TWO sts p-wise (2 sts on rt needle).


For Example

If you are working stockinette stitch and you have these directions in front of you: BO 3 sts at beg of next 3 RS rows (beginning with a RS row). It will look like this:Pull the first st over the second st and off the rt needle (the standard bind-off technique). That’s your first bind-off. Now continue binding off normally (k or p a st, then pull the 1st st on rt needle over 2nd and off needle) counting that first slipped st bind off as your first bound off st.


Bind off 3 sts normally, knit across remaining sts.


Purl across to last st and slip it unworked. Turn work.


Slip the first two sts, pull the first st over the second st (one st bound off). Now bind off an additional 2 sts normally and k remaining sts.


Purl to last st and slip it unworked. Turn work.


Slip 2 sts, pull first st over second (one st bound off). Now bind off an additional 2 sts normally and k remaining sts.





Hi Laura,
The total of 7 rows does include the initial Rows 1 & 2. Please email us at if you have more questions. Enjoy your Paulina!

Laura Armstrong

Hi, I am currently knitting the Paulina. I am knitting the “Underarm” piece. When the instructions say to “Repeat rows 1 and 2 for a total of 7 rows”, Does the 7 rows include the initial 1 & 2 rows or are the 7 rows in addition to the first 1 & 2 rows? thanks!!!!!


Hi Michele,
An easy way to start a new yarn is to let an approximate 6 inches of the end hang off your work and just start working with the yarn. You can gently tension the tail as you do the first stitches so that your loops don’t get too big. Then use Julie’s “How to Work in Ends with Duplicate Stitch” tutorial to weave in the ends. You can split the plies for more open fabrics to make hiding easier. If you want to secure your yarn with a knot, make it a temporary one that you can undo when it is time to weave in your ends.
Hope that helps!

Michele Yurick

Re: LEONIE PATTERN, all went well on bias bind off of center 10 stitches and finishing right front but how do I tie on yarn to work left front without pulling or showing a lot?

kaeterli Petry Becker

wonderful information. Thank you for showing how to do it.

Donna Cropley-Langton

At last a solution to one of my biggest headaches. I tend to knit raglan sweaters just to avoid the jagged bind off. Thank you!


Verdadeiramente util e a explicação deixa clao o que deve ocorrer. Parabens e obrigada pela dica

Judy Paster

So much neater. Wish I had seen this method a long time ago

Heather Farquharson

I have been knitting sweaters and cardigans for years (I am now 73) and have only just learned this amazingly simple and beautifully explained technique. Oh, the hours I have spent in frustration sewing up shoulders – once seen, your tip will never be forgotten! Thank you so much.

Sandra Fink

Great information. I’ve knitted for years and never seen this before. It looks so much better and will be much easier to join when finishing.

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